This game was made for the 2024 ebitengine game jam (theme: building).

Vila Maravilla is a tiny game about building a village. The goal is to have a happy community at the end of 2 weeks period.


  • Arrows to move
  • ENTER to play action or show the rules menu
  • Mouse to interact with menus (default value for ebitenui, I didn't had time to adapt them to be used by keyboard :|)


Main mechanic of the game is a random rules mechanic. Every day the village gets a new rule, which could allow to increase or decrease the village stats. Most of the rules are related about villager characteristics, others depend on the houses.

Goal is to achieve 100 as Happiness stat after 14 days. There are another 2 optional goals based on another stats.

Villagers can die due to the lack of food or they can leave because they don't feel integrated on the community.

Game is divided in 3 phases.

  • Building or upgrade houses: The village can have 4 houses in total. There are 5 different building types. The difference is the price, the effect on the villager wishes and some specific rules.
    • To build, just go to the signal post and press enter. No materials needed, only money!
  • Select Villagers for your village: Going right there is another scene where people wait patiently to be selected for your awesome village. Talk to them, they have their own characteristics, which will matter to improve your village stats
    • No worries for selecting a wrong one, you can kick them out their house later with no consequences
  • End the day: To end the day, go to the fire and press ENTER. The active rules will apply and your village stats will change



  • Collision system:
    • I didn't had time to properly used too much, but it was useful
  • Scene management: 
    • used quite a lot, even if maybe it was not needed for such tiny game. I 
  • UI:
    • already used before, but now I had the chance to use use it slightly better
    • To generate some random names and have even more randomness on the game.


Published 2 days ago

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